Documentation Support and Archive Department +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

Documentation Support and Archive Department


Temirbulatova Ainur 
Head of the Documentation Support and Archive Department

Main tasks:
- reception and registration of incoming correspondence, consideration and passage of incoming correspondence, registration of outgoing correspondence, the procedure for organizing control and verification of execution, the procedure for drawing up and agreeing orders for the university;
- сompliance with the requirements of the Instruction for office work in university departments in accordance with the nomenclature of cases;
- ensuring the uniformity of requirements for documents, their movement, execution, as well as preparation and transfer to the archive;
- registration and control of incoming documents in the electronic document management system (AWS);
- timely processing and registration of documents, bringing incoming correspondence to the management;
- control over the deadlines for the execution of documents and their correct execution;
- organization of the reception of citizens of the rector on personal matters;
- registration and control of incoming documents in the electronic document management system "Salem office";
- control of the deadlines for the execution of documents and  the correctness of their registration;
- reception of citizens' appeals through the "E-Otinish" information  system;
- provision of stationery and  printed materials (Greeting recipient, package, notebook) ;
- production of seals and stamps depending on the needs of the university;
- preparation and sending of congratulations and  recipients;
- ecords received from structural divisions in the university archive ;   
- registration;
- Issuance of archival certificates of training, salary, work, etc.

Main functions:
- Organization of the department's work;
- The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the procedure for consideration of appeals", the Law "On the National Archival Fund", the law "On Mail
- On the basis of the resolution " On approval of the Rules for Documenting and Using electronic Document Management Systems in state and non-state organizations "of the law" On Electronic Document and Electronic Digital Signature " and the instructions for office work of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University.

Temirbulatova Ainur - Head of the Documentation Support and Archive Department
Phone: 8 7242 26-27-14, 8 747 135 64 11
Baykenzheeva Gulmira Zarlykovna - specialist
Umirzak Gulnur Kanatbayeva - specialist
Nurmanova Aizat Bolatbekovna - inspector
Sateeva Zibagul Zhumabaevna - inspector
Kuderbaeva Nurzhamal Alpysbaevna - archivist
Umirzakova Gulzhanat Umirzakovna - archivist
Toqymbaı Qalampyr Almatqyzy - archivist

Instruction for office work  of  Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University

Nomenclature of cases of Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University


Phone /fax: 8(7242)26-27-14
Аddress: Kyzylorda, Aiteke bi STR., 29A, main academic building, office 302

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